In its most fundamental sense, acupuncture is the balance of mind, body and soul. Known as the “Three Treasures” in Traditional Chinese Medicine, it is when these are balanced that we experience optimal health, vitality, peace of mind and fulfilment…
Functional Medicine
Functional Medicine addresses the underlying cause of disease using a systems-oriented approach that engages the patient and practitioner in a therapeutic partnership…
Herbal Medicine
Herbal Medicine is an ancient form of traditional medicine in cultures around the world. The earliest record of Chinese Herbal Medicine was a manuscript on herbal prescriptions called “Recipes for 52 Ailments” composed around 168 BC…
Cosmetic Acupuncture
Cosmetic Acupuncture is a natural approach to reversing the visible signs of aging on the face. It is a non-surgical, non-invasive technique that helps skin look younger, brighter, smoother and uplifted…
Nutritional Coaching
Proper nutrition and eating habits are essential in treating nearly all health conditions. Nutritional deficiencies, blood sugar imbalances, and food sensitivities can cause chronic inflammation and depletion of biochemical resources that contribute to disease and unresolved symptoms…
Massage Therapy
Malibu Acupuncture & Herbs offers a variety of types of massage with one of our highly skilled, intuitive therapists. 60, 90 or 120 minute sessions are available…